Saturday, May 26, 2007

You Can Help!!

I ran across someone on Myspace who is part of an effort that I think you should know about.
Rather than explain it myself, I will quote the email that I received in response to my query:

"My name is Jessica Tretler and I'm writing to inform you about an incredible AIDS project and initiative that I, along with my project partner Lisa Ogawa, have started. It's called The Rush To Fight AIDS.

People living with HIV/AIDS have to spend much of their life savings on doctors, hospital bills, and medications. As a result, they have little or no money to purchase simple life necessities such as toiletry and hygiene items. With that in mind, the goal of The Rush To Fight AIDS project is to help people in need by supplying them with these items.

Through word-of-mouth and via the internet, we are asking Rush fans all over the world to donate unused toiletry items to us – such as shampoo, soap,toilet paper, etc... – so that hygiene kits can be put together and donated to clients in different AIDS projects in Colorado and Massachusetts (where Lisa and I live). Of course, people don't necessarily have to be fans of Rush to contribute.

What started as a simple idea has now turned into an International effort tohelp people living with HIV/AIDS.

For additional information on this project, us, and other projects we areaffiliated with, please visit , or

Thank you for your time and any consideration you might have for our project.


Jessica Tretler
* RUSH to fight AIDS*
4833 Front Street
Unit B #184
Castle Rock, CO 80104"

As I understand it, the soaps, shampoos, conditioners that you pick up from hotels and keep for no very good reason are exactly the kind of thing they would find useful. It doesn't cost much to toss them in a large envelope and send them along, and you'll feel good for having done it.

Best of luck to Jessica and Lisa!

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